SUNY GCC - lol电竞菠菜

杰纳西社区学院有许多与电脑使用有关的政策. 请花时间去熟悉他们. 如果你对这些政策有疑问, 请随时进入校园学生资源中心(T212)或联系Patricia Chaya, 教务长.



  1. 基于年龄的歧视, 婚姻状况, 资深地位, 国家的起源, 比赛, 信条, color, 性别, 宗教, 残疾或性取向;
  2. 性骚扰;
  3. 侵犯版权;
  4. 个人政治信仰;
  5. personal business interests; or
  6. 任何非法活动


  1. 网络和系统管理员将把电子文件的内容视为私人和机密. 任何故意检查电子文件的行为, 以及基于这种检查的行动, 将受所有适用的U.S. 遵守纽约法律和学校政策.
  2. 在杰纳西,电子邮件是尽可能保密的. Attempts to read another person’s electronic mail or other protected files will be treated with the utmost seriousness. The system managers will not read mail or non-world-readable files unless absolutely necessary in the course of their duties, 并且会将这些文件的内容始终视为私人信息.
  3. All users should be on notice that the system managers do periodic security checks of Genesee systems including, 但不限于, 密码和文件检查.
  4. The system may have utilities or operating procedures which disclose student information; users can control this information in a manner consistent with other sources of directory information. The College will provide students with the information necessary to exercise their FERPA rights and suppress directory information.
  5. 作为系统维护的一部分, 计算机服务可以运行检查用户文件和数据传输的程序. 这不会被解释为对用户文件或数据的故意检查.



  1. 用户应遵守所有硬件和软件许可协议. 软件是学院授权给用户使用的,可能会受到限制.
  2. Users are expected to make no unauthorized attempts to gain access to any account not belonging to the user on any Genesee system. Any suspected unauthorized use of a user account should be reported immediately to the Director of Academic Computing or the Director of Computer Services.
  3. Users are expected not to use any Genesee system as a staging ground to crack (or break into) other computer systems.
  4. 用户不得通过未经授权的拨号访问使用任何Genesee系统.
  5. 用户不得将Genesee系统用于非法或犯罪目的.
  6. 所有用户须自行承担电讯接驳费用(如有).
  7. Any user who finds a possible security hole on any Genesee system is obliged to report it to the Director of Academic Computing or the Director of Computer Services.
  8. 用户对其帐户的所有使用负责, 包括选择安全的密码和确保正确设置文件保护.
  9. 允许个人访问, not groups of individuals; passwords are not to be shared under any circumstances.
  10. 请记住,许多人在日常工作中使用Genesee系统. 通过消耗大量系统资源(磁盘空间)来阻碍此工作, CPU时间)或故意使机器崩溃是不能容忍的. 用户被要求清理磁盘空间和/或停止进程,除非在紧急情况下.
  11. Genesee computer technology facilities and resources are not to be used for commercial purposes or non-College related activities.
  12. 用户对自己数据的完整性负责. 在适当的情况下,用户是否需要对其数据文件进行备份.
  13. Genesee computing resources are not to be used to transmit any communication where the meaning of the message, 或者它的传播和分布, 会违反任何适用的法律或法规或淫秽, 对收件人或其收件人来说,辱骂性的、高度冒犯性的或令人反感的.
  14. 用户应避免攻击性的煽动性言论. 用户必须尊重本地用户社区和互联网上其他人的权利. 人身攻击是不可接受的网络使用. 如果你是“火焰”的受害者,” take the time to respond rationally; seek assistance from Computer Services staff, 如果有必要的话.
  15. 用户应避免知道或无意中传播计算机病毒. 不从未知来源导入文件. 如果您确实从远程源获取软件, 使用前请按照正确的程序检查是否有病毒. 电脑服务部备有病毒扫描软件.
  16. 不允许模仿. Real names must be used; pseudonyms are not allowed. Anonymity is not allowed; individuals must take responsibility for their action and words.
  17. Users are not allowed to run “sniffers;” these are computer programs that search computer networks for information such as users ids and passwords.
  18. 用户在任何情况下都不能与任何人分享他们的密码. Users who are asked for their passwords are to report the request immediately to the Director of Academic Computing or the Director of Computer Services.


The use of computing and information processing resources is a privilege granted by the College to students who have demonstrated an appropriate need in their program of study or work assignment at Genesee Community College. All users of GCC computer resources must comply with the applicable statutes of 纽约 State and Federal law, 特别是, 纽约州刑法第514章. The purpose of this procedure is to outline the steps which will be followed if student misuse of computing resources is suspected.


A. 学生 – A student is an individual who is registered for and is participating in any college program of instruction.

B. 计算资源 —计算资源包括, 但不限于, 计算设备, 软件, 程序代码, 手册, 计算机数据, 程序输出, 打印机, 电脑纸, 计算服务, CPU时间, 等.

C. 滥用电脑资源 -滥用大学计算机资源的定义如下:

  1. A person is guilty of unauthorized use of a computer when he or she knowingly uses or causes to be used a computer or computer service without authorization and the computer utilized is equipped or programmed with any device or coding system, 其功能是防止未经授权使用所述计算机或计算机系统.
  2. A person is guilty of computer trespassing when he or she knowingly uses or causes to be used a computer or computer service without authorization and he thereby knowingly gains access to computer material.
  3. 非法复制与计算机有关的材料的人在没有权利这样做的情况下是有罪的, 他或她复制, 繁殖, 或以任何方式复制软件.
  4. 当一个人故意寻找某方面的信息时,他或她就犯了滥用的罪, 索取, 或修改属于他人的文件或密码.
  5. 当一个人故意开发或使用骚扰其他用户的程序时,他或她就犯了滥用罪, 渗透计算机系统, 或损坏或更改计算机系统的软件或数据组件.
  6. A person is guilty of misuse when he or she authorizes individuals who are not associated with the college to use an account, 或使用学术计算机进行与学术无关的工作.
  7. A person is guilty of misuse when he or she fails to cooperate with or follow established computing resource procedures.


Any member of the college faculty or staff (including employees of SCT or employed students) may identify a student as a potential misuser of computer resources. 识别后, the Director of Computer Services or his/her representative may deny the student access to computing resources for a period of up to 24 hours. 应立即通知学生事务主任和相应的副主任.

在与相应的副院长协商后, 计算机服务部主任和相关教员, the 教务长 may extend the period during which access is denied for up to ten additional instructional days. 在此期间,应执行下列学院纪律处分程序.

The initiation of internal disciplinary procedures shall not preclude referral of the situation to off-campus authorities.


The determination of student misuse of computing resources shall be made by a College Hearing Board established for that purpose. 董事会由下列成员组成:

  • 教务处主任担任主席.
  • A faculty member appointed by the Chairperson of the Academic Assembly or by the Vice-President for 学术事务 if the Chairperson is not available.
  • 由学院院长任命的行政人员.
  • A student appointed by the President of the 学生 Government Association or by the Director of 学生 Activities if the SGA President is not available.

在每种情况下, the student will be officially charged with violation of this procedure by the Director of Computer Services who shall be responsible for coordinating the presentation of evidence with the Chairperson of the Hearing Board. 召开听证委员会会议应遵循下列议程:

  1. 介绍
  2. 收费提示
  3. 请按学生收费
  4. 出示证据
  5. 证据的反驳
  6. 有罪或无罪的判定
  7. 提供与处罚有关的资料(如适用)
  8. 反驳有关处罚的资料(如适用)
  9. 决定建议罚款(如适用)
  10. 休会

聆讯委员会须考虑提交给它的所有证据, 确定有罪或无罪, 如果合适的话, 就适当的处罚向学院院长提出建议. 处罚包括但不限于:

  • 在一段确定或不确定的时间内拒绝访问计算机资源.
  • 暂停:在一段确定的或不确定的时间内暂停.
  • 被学院开除.
  • 在学生退学的情况下,拒绝再入学.

这是因为投票结果是平局, 听证委员会无法提出任何建议, 委员会应总结其调查结果,并向主席提出替代建议.

纪律处分程序的全面管理由学生处负责. The Dean shall ensure that each student who is charged with violation of this procedure shall have the following procedural rights:

  • 提供一份lol菠菜竞猜问题性质和相关证据的书面声明.
  • 请至少提前三个教学日告知听证会的日期和地点.
  • 被告知他/她有权由他/她选择的人代表和提供意见.
  • 被告知在聆讯期间应遵循的程序, 包括学生审阅提交给董事会的任何材料的权利, 要么参与,要么保持沉默.
  • 有权就聆讯委员会的建议直接向学院院长提出上诉.